There's nothing really new to report....Ben is working hard at the Academy and I am working hard at home. I spend my days running around doing chores and playing with my kids. To some people it may seem mundane and boring but to me it's WONDEFULL!!! I love playing with my kids. I love how every time I sit down on the floor it becomes a game of doggy pile with me on the bottom. :) My kids are the sweetest things in the world. (Although I'm sure every Mom thinks that =] ) Brewer's new favorite phrase is "I like you fact I love you"....Hello he's 3. Should he be using phrases like "in fact"? LOL Roxi's vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds and there isn't a day that goes by that she doesn't learn a new word.
So yes, my day to day activities are pretty scheduled and they don't change much but the minute to minute stuff is pretty amazing!! And today, I'm very glad for my life and all the blessings the Lord has placed in it!!!!