Friday, June 13, 2008

8 weeks and venting! :) Warning...contains mushiness.

Today has been kind of a downer and I was told by a friend that venting would here it is!

I really miss my husband. I never really realized how much I relied on him until now. Sometimes at night I roll over and expect to feel him in bed next to me and then I'll remember that he's not there. That really stinks.

One of the sisters from the ward at OCS called today and I wasn't home. When I got back my mother in law told me that she had called with a message from Ben. "He's doing great" is apparently what she said. I can't believe that my Benjamin is sending me secret messages. It's so cute and romantic of him, and if you know Ben then you know that he is NEVER like that. I can't believe I missed that call. :(

When Brewer woke up from his nap today he said " I miss daddy. That makes me sad." I about died. I started to cry and Brewer gave me a kiss and said "You feel better?" It is so amazing how fast kids get over things. I wish it were that easy for me but it's not so...what're ya gunna do?

Wow...I actually do feel better. Thanks for letting me vent! I promise I'll have something more relevant and cheerful next time.