Tuesday, September 02, 2008

New post

After a short beak from blogging....oh who am I kidding....after being completely MIA from the blogging world :) I have finally decided to make it a bigger priority. Not that I have much to post about. Ben has a new job working for the city of South Jordan. He is also busy with trying to get into the Army as well as a few other government agencies. I spend my time playing with my kids and trying to get Brewer potty trained. (I will be happy to take any suggestions you have!!!) We spend every Wednesday fro 4-7 at a place called "bouncing off the walls" (thanks Mom!!!) It seems to be the only thing in the world that completely tuckers Brewer out. It does a pretty good job on Roxi too!!
Every other day looks something like this.....

Well, I hope that this gives you the information you've been asking for. (you know who you are :) ) I actually forgot how fun this is!!! TTYS